Why Do People Remove Their Wisdom Teeth?

Aug 01, 2021

You may be wondering whether to remove your wisdom teeth or not. Could it be that you already feel some discomfort at the back end of your mouth, or you just feel like getting a tooth pulled? One of the important decisions you will ever make about your body is removing your wisdom teeth. If your wisdom teeth remain buried, you may not need to remove them.

Interestingly, not everyone develops wisdom teeth. Also, the number of wisdom teeth each person possesses varies in numbers. While some have four, some others may have three, or two, or one, or even none at all.

What are wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth are one of a set of three molars of the human dentition, which mostly develops in our late teens or early twenties. When healthy and properly aligned, these teeth can be an important asset to the mouth in that it gives you extra support in chewing your food, but most of the time they require removal because of how poorly they could be aligned. When the wisdom teeth are misaligned, it can affect adjacent teeth, the jawbones, or surrounding, nerves causing complications such as;

  • Jaw pain
  • Jaw swelling
  • Bleeding gums
  • Foul breath
  • Inflamed and irritated gums
  • Damage to surrounding areas of the mouth

In addition to the above-listed complications, wisdom teeth that are misaligned can lead to more serious problems and diseases. If you are contemplating getting a tooth pulled, here are 7 benefits to help you make the vital decision of removing your wisdom teeth.

You are free from inflammation and infection

Wisdom teeth, when misaligned, are known for causing inflammation and infection to the gums, which can lead to severe pain prompting you to seek help from a dentist’s office near you. Getting rid of the troublesome teeth will cancel out all this from occurring.

Nearby teeth are safe from problems

When wisdom teeth start to develop, they get nearby teeth out of their way. In the case where there is not enough space for your wisdom teeth, they can cause overlapping and crookedness, which you do not want, especially if you have just tried to correct dental misalignment problems. Sometimes the surrounding teeth start to suffer damage which would now require some dental work to correct them.

Prevent Jaw Problems

A troublesome wisdom tooth can go as far as affecting your jawline. It may begin with some stiffness or pain which affects your jawbones, and then it impacts your overall mouth function and movement. Cysts or tumors can develop because an impacted wisdom tooth can be a breeding ground for bacteria, all of which can damage the jawbone. Removing that wisdom tooth prevents this from ever happening.

Reduces discomfort and pain

In addition to preventing the growth of cysts and tumors, thereby damaging the jawline, wisdom teeth removal adds the benefit of lessening discomfort that results from pain. Removal of your wisdom teeth helps to alleviate or drastically reduce gum and tooth sensitivity. The effect is an improved life quality and fewer limitations to what you can eat and drink. Chronic headaches can also be caused by an impacted wisdom tooth.

Less crowding

When a wisdom tooth is trying to erupt into a small space in your mouth, it causes other teeth to shift, leading to overcrowding which in turn disrupts alignment. Crowded teeth can make brushing and flossing a hard task; also, it is easier for plaque and harmful bacteria to build up, leading to tooth decay and even gum disease. Deciding to remove your wisdom tooth at times helps to prevent these from happening.

Alleviates sinus problems

Apart from the fact that sinus problems are caused by allergies, nasal polyps, tooth infections can also contribute. Because of how intricately connected the mouth and nose are, impacted wisdom teeth can harm the sinuses. It is recommended that you remove your wisdom teeth when their growth begins to cause you some pain or pressure. Your oral health has to a great extent, an impact on your overall health. This is why you should pay close attention to any symptoms.

Oral hygiene

An impacted wisdom tooth can wreak its havoc in your mouth peaceably because, most likely, your brush or floss cannot get to where it is easily. Because of this, that area of your mouth is more susceptible to the build-up of plaques and a ground for cavities.

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