What you need to know about oral surgery

Apr 01, 2021

Going for any form of surgery always comes with jitters. Oral surgery is just another form of surgery that is done in the mouth by a dentist or an oral surgery. The procedure is more than the usual dental procedures like filling of teeth or even crowning because it involves cutting and making modifications to the dental structures before sealing the openings again. Oral surgery is a procedure that is usually taken if it is the only procedure or the one that will provide the desired results with respect to oral health. Oral surgery is a delicate process that must be taken only when necessary and with reputable professionals and professional care within the stipulated standards. Here are situations that demand oral surgery.

Tooth extraction

Tooth extraction comes in different forms depending on the nature and the complications of the situation. The tooth extraction is a process that is necessitated by the need to resolve diseases, damage in the teeth, and when the teeth are overcrowded in the mouth.  When these situations are very complex such that the extraction cannot be done simply without interfering with the tissues and the bone, then surgery is necessary to ensure the process is executed in the right way. Surgical removal of the teeth allows the dentist to address the complexities and correct any possible damages.


There are processes that involve the modification of the teeth to improve their look. The processes include a variety of aesthetic procedures that modifies the teeth in various ways.  The modifications are largely involved in the process of preparing the teeth for crowns, bridges and the insertion of the dental implants which are done surgically for the artificial teeth to be mounted. These processes are invasive. While some of them might not result to a direct cutting of parts of the teeth, the procedures are surgical in nature and require the same level of preparedness that oral surgery would require.  The dental implants require surgery to have them installed within the foundation of the teeth and to function in synchrony with the other parts of the mouth.

The Oral and maxillofacial surgery

This is a complex procedure. The surgery involves procedures such as corrective jaw surgery, pre-prosthetic bone augmentation and nerve repositioning, dentoalveolar surgery, maxillofacial dental implants and nerve repositioning. The situations will involve invasive surgery in the mouth and a specialized approach to making the necessary corrections.

Sleep Apnea treatment

Sleep Apnea is a sleep disorder that is characterized by repeatedly breathing  in a way that it starts and stops. It is usually caused by age and obesity characterized by heavy snoring when sleeping and tiredness due to the lack of a full night’s sleep. One of the treatments of the disease is surgery. Surgery involving the removal of adenoid and palatoplasty is used in the treatment of the condition. If you want to correct the situation, a surgical procedure called tonsillectomy will certainly be required to improve your situation and restore your health condition and sleeping.

What to expect during surgery

Preparation for surgery is important because it makes you ready and allows you to face whatever fears you have in the right way. The best preparation is knowing or expecting how the day goes. On the surgery day, you should expect anesthesia. The level of anesthesia and the extent to which it will be applied will vary with the type of surgery. Under these situations, you should avoid food and drinks for a period of eight hours before you go in for the procedure. If you are suffering from diabetes or hypertension or any other chronic illness, then you should discuss these issues with your doctor and you will be advised accordingly. You should make arrangements on how to get back home after the procedure. It would not be advisable to drive yourself back home after the procedure due to the effect of the anesthesia.

After the surgery, there is a recovery period during which you will be limited to the activities to which you will be engaged in especially with respect to your oral activities. The recovery period and the activities vary with the type of surgery.  You will be  advised by your dentist on the after surgery care.

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