A tooth extraction procedure is a process through which a patient’s tooth is removed by a dental professional. Typically, the patient is under the influence of either local or general anesthesia to prevent pain. Tooth extraction is usually a scheduled procedure; however, things are different during an emergency. An emergency tooth extraction is carried out quickly because the tooth in question poses a threat to one’s health, and late action can cause severe damage to other teeth and one’s dental health.
Generally, tooth extraction is always considered a last resort in dental care. That is because of the adverse effects of missing teeth and that there is no natural replacement for missing permanent teeth. It is only carried out as an emergency or any other compelling need to get a tooth extracted.
The factors of conditions that prompt the necessity of a tooth extraction procedure include:
Tooth extraction is either simple or surgical. At Burton Dentistry, we offer simple tooth extraction at our dental office near you. When the extraction is simple, the tooth is conspicuous, and this generally needs local anesthesia only. After the anesthetic is applied, the dentist reaches in and pulls the teeth out of the gum. Pain is mild if present, and bleeding is controlled.
A surgical extraction is different from a simple extraction in that it is a more complicated procedure. Usually, the tooth is not conspicuous and may even be impacted in the gum. It may also require general anesthesia in which a person is put to sleep. Sometimes, the surgeon needs to remove bone around the tooth or cut the tooth before extracting it.
After tooth extraction, your dentist may place a gauze pad in the affected area. Bite gently and firmly on the pad so that the blood in the tooth socket can clot. Take the recommended painkillers for the pain. An icepack applied to the cheek around the affected area helps to keep the swelling down.
Your dentist will also advise you to maintain bed rest for the first day after the extraction. Avoid spitting or rinsing forcefully during this period too. However, ensure you keep brushing and flossing regularly while avoiding the affected area. Over the next few days, you should eat soft foods only.
After you have entirely recovered from extraction, you can pursue the array of tooth replacement options available to you. These include dentures, bridges, and implants.