Teeth Cleaning: What Happens During The Process?

Nov 01, 2019

Professional teeth cleaning is something that burton dentists recommend to all their patients. You do not have to get your teeth cleaned every single month. However, making an effort once every couple of months is part of good oral hygiene.

Once you visit a burton dental, it is normal to get anxious over what the process will be like. Most patients who schedule for teeth cleanings in Alexandria have a hard time relaxing through the experience because they do not know what it concerns. Between the strange noises of the dental appliances and the occasional discomfort, it is expected that people will be nervous. However, if you took the time to understand what happens during teeth cleanings in Alexandria, then you would know there isn’t much to worry about in the process.

What to Expect In the Procedure

The number one thing to expect lies in who conducts the professional teeth cleaning. While a general dentist is capable of handling this task, usually a dental hygienist does the work. Depending on your other dental needs, either one of them can perform the procedure. Other than that, some other things to expect during teeth cleaning are as follows:

  • Dental exam

Dental exams involve a physical analysis of your teeth by your dentist. This examination is necessary for the dentist to identify all the oral issues you might have before you proceed for the teeth cleaning. The dentist will examine your teeth, bone structure, as well as the gum tissue. Ideally, a dental exam is the initial step for all dental procedures.

  • The cleaning

The major reason for cleaning teeth is to get rid of any food residue, debris, bacteria, and infection. In most cases, all these are represented by plaque and tartar build-up. Plaque is a sticky substance that forms on the surfaces of teeth. It features a combination of saliva, acids, bacteria, and food residues. When patients neglect proper oral hygiene, they allow plaque to build-up on teeth. Without proper cleaning, plaque results in other oral issues including, gum diseases, bad breath, receded gums, weak teeth, to mention a few. Besides, when plaque is left on for too long, it results in tartar. Tartar can only be removed through medical intervention.

The dental hygienist in charge of your cleaning will use a scaler to help remove the plaque from your teeth. The plaque is usually attached to the surface of teeth, particularly around your gum line and in between teeth. The process involves scrapping. Even though you hear the scrapping, it is nothing to worry about or hold you back. However, if you are very anxious and uneasy, a nitrous sedative can be used to keep you calm.

  • Toothpaste cleaning

A hygienist can brush your teeth better than you can. He/she will use an electric toothbrush to further deep clean your teeth. This follows after the plaque and tartar have been scrapped from your teeth. During the brushing, you will also hear strange noises. This is because the toothbrush is high-powered enough to remove all traces of plaque and tartar that might have been left behind.

  • Dental flossing

Even your regular flossing at home cannot beat an expert’s flossing. The flossing will help get to the tight spots between teeth to clean them thoroughly from any traces of plaque. This process is also necessary to help the hygienist determine where your gums are vulnerable to bleeding.

  • Mouth rinsing

Gaggling water to rinse your mouth is one way to get rid of all the plaque and food residue. However, your hygienist will give you’re a liquid fluoride rinse for the rinsing part of the process.

  • Fluoride treatment

The fluoride treatment is the layer of protection you need on your teeth after the cleaning. Since your teeth are completely free of plaque and harmful bacteria, protecting them from potential cavities is essential. The fluoride treatment will protect your teeth from cavities for several months.

When Do You Need Professional Teeth Cleaning?

Professional teeth cleaning should not be an everyday event, lest you thin out your enamel. Besides, too much cleaning will increase the sensitivity of your teeth. Consider getting the procedure once or twice every year, as part of your oral hygiene technique.

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